Signature Provider and Time registration for workers

More than human resources

Everything you need for the labor management of your workers

An employee portal in the App

Time record

From our App and without complications, control the employees' time records.

Request vacations, leave from the App, control any absenteeism.

Work schedule control

Control of work presence, with hours pool to manage the counting of overtime and their compensation.


Labor Control is a multi-device access system from your mobile or tablet. It is used to manage employee work hours and generate legal reports instantly.


Control of the working day from anywhere. Without worries and without the complications of other transfer methods. Clocking in from home is possible with this time control.

Record of hours worked

Schedule Registration

The validation system records the work hours of each employee. They can be marked from different signing methods, to be chosen according to the needs of each squad. It is even possible, with the Labor Control application, to do it from anywhere.

Then it generates reports with the time control of each employee, automatically, and in PDF, Excel, html, doc, etc. format.

Time control app

It is possible to sign in anywhere and at any time with your mobile phone or tablet (Android and iOS). Simpler and more efficient than physical systems or signing machines. In addition, with a geolocation module, which allows precise reports to be available at the time when workers validate their day.

The information from the clocking system is stored securely in the cloud, allowing it to be accessed from anywhere. It is the control of all types of work hours, without the complication of clocking machines.


The app allows you to validate your work day from anywhere.

No investments

There is no need to purchase expensive control equipment.

Small and large companies

The system covers the needs regardless of the size of the project.
